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Tim Cook shared the secret information he received from Steve Jobs!

Ana sayfa / Technology

Before his death, Steve Jobs, one of the most influential names who shaped today’s world with his innovative perspective and ideas that affected the entire globe, gave special advice to current Apple CEO Tim Cook about Apple. Here are the interesting details from Cook’s side.

Tim Cook received success tips from Steve Jobs!

While emphasizing that the most valuable lesson Jobs taught him was ‘open-mindedness,’ Cook stated that this approach is one of the cornerstones of Apple’s success. The current CEO of the tech giant said, “Jobs taught me not to stick blindly to my past views and not to hesitate to change my mind in the face of new evidence.”

Cook, emphasizing that Apple’s former boss Jobs was not, as is often believed, a stubborn innovator but rather a leader always open to listening to different ideas, said, “The reason our relationship with Jobs was so productive was that we were constantly able to change each other’s minds.”

Cook also talked about Jobs’ daily routine, noting that he woke up early every morning and carefully reviewed both positive and negative feedback from customers. The experienced CEO, who stated that he has thick skin when it comes to criticism, said, “Before jumping to defend against every critique, I ask myself, ‘Is this true?'”

According to scientists’ research, Jobs’ open-minded approach is crucial not only for business success but also for health. A 2018 study revealed that open-minded people cope better with stress and have a lower risk of cardiovascular issues. Additionally, it has been proven that individuals with this trait are more successful in creative thinking and managing uncertain situations.

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